OCC Group Rebranded
20th November 2023

OCC Group Rebranded.
Prefix ‘Re’ is one of the most common prefixes used in the English language. The prefix ‘re’ means again, back, or to repeat. Any verb or adverb preceded by ‘Re-‘ indicates that it is being performed or described again.
Welcome to OCC Group Rebranded.
Throughout the last few months we have been busy rebranding OCC.
We began the journey with a large Renewable Energy drive, reaching out to the renewable market leaders, reviewing, responding, respecting and reacting to the changes on planet Earth with the focus of reducing greenhouse gases.
Requirements from large companies came in so we recruited new members to join the renewables team, and we resourced the best candidates – RESULT.
Next we redesigned the website with focus on both our IT & Renewable Energy specialisms, adding in beautiful colours to compliment our re branding. The office required a lick of paint and some design decals to rejuvenate the space. We renewed our desks, rearranged the furniture, reeked havoc with the cables and rewarded the staff for their hard work. Overall the experience has reinvigorated the whole team, we respect each other, we remember to say thank you, offer a hug when needed and reach out when help is required.
Thank you everyone.
The plants are on their way!
🌵 ☘ 🌻 👏 😅 😁